This page is to help answer common questions or troubleshoot common issues administrators and teachers experience on Summit K12.
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Table of Contents
Administrator Accounts
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Question | Answer |
How do I update my Admin permissions?I am an Administrator, but do not see district- or school-wide access. |
If you cannot view district-wide or campus-wide data, it most likely means you have not been provided the correct permissions on Summit K12. Please contact Summit K12 Support to have your permissions updated. Please let us know if you are a district or campus administrator and the email address you use to access Summit K12*; additionally, if you are a district admin, please let us know which product you will be overseeing. *If you use an SSO, please be sure it is the email address that matches the SSO. |
When should assessments be administered?
For information on testing and testing windows please visit the suggested help articles below: |
How do I set/edit a Testing Window? |
At this time, only users with a District Administrator account* on Summit K12 are able to set/edit testing windows.
*For campus purchases or editing a testing window by campus, please contact Summit K12 Support. |
Where do I find district- or school-wide reports? |
After logging in, select
Teacher Accounts
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Question | Answer |
How do I change my password? |
Users manually logging in at our website ( can change their password after logging in.
Why isn't my log-in working this year?I had a Summit K12 account last year. |
Each year, we archive the server from the previous school year and create a new server for the upcoming year; therefore, new accounts must be uploaded each year. Contact your district administrator or technology department to find out if an account has been created for you and what your new login credentials will be. If you are experiencing login issues after confirming your new account, contact Summit K12 Support. |
I was assigned the wrong grade and/or content. How can I fix this? |
To make changes to your classes grade level(s) and/or content, you can contact Summit K12 Support. Please let us know the correct content and/or grade level(s) you need. A new feature that will allow you to do this on your own is coming soon! |
Why can I not see any classes when I log in?Why am I unable to log in? |
If you are a teacher that cannot see any courses when you log in, this is indicative of the following: 1) You may have been added to Summit K12 as a support teacher. A lead teacher can enroll you into their course. Then, you will have full-teacher permissions within that course. Visit How to Enroll Students and/or Support Teachers to learn more. 2) Your data was not shared with Summit K12 Support during onboarding. Contact your administration for further assistance. 3) Your district/school has an active subscription with Summit K12 for the current school year, but accounts have not been onboarded yet. Contact your administration for further assistance. 4) Your district/school does not have an active subscription with Summit K12 for the current school year. Contact your administration for further assistance. If you are a lead teacher who is supposed to have your own classes, contact Summit K12 Support. |
Class Accounts
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Question | Answer |
How do I enroll Users in my Class? |
View How to Enroll Students and/or Support Teachers for additional instructions and information. |
How do I delete a Class Period or Group I no longer need? |
View Delete a Class Period or Group for more detailed instructions. |
How do I add a Class? |
For manually rostered classes, contact Summit K12 Support with the following information, and a Class can be created for you!*
5. Grade level(s) needed *Pending an active subscription for the requested Class. A new feature that will allow you to do this on your own is coming soon! |
How do I find student work? |
View one of the following articles for more information: |
Are Benchmark Assessments and/or PLPs available for Kinder or 1st grade? |
Can students pause and resume an assessment? |
Students may pause and resume assessments at a later time if needed. Any previously answered questions will be saved. When students return to the assessment, the assessment table will simply display a Resume button instead of Start. Selecting Resume will direct the student to the unanswered question they were last on. To learn more, visit How to Pause an Assessment. For National ELD partners, this experience may differ slightly. Visit Understanding the ELD Benchmark Test Experience and Troubleshooting - National ELD (updated link to come) to learn more.
How can I slow down the audio on an item? |
My student is unable to record themselves on the iPad.
All users utilizing an iPad to access Summit K12 will need to download and use the most updated Summit K12 iOS Application for full functionality.
How do I reset an assessment or assignment?
To reset an ELD Benchmark, practice test, or activity, please contact Summit K12 Support.
Please provide the following information:
How do I connect my classes to Schoology?
Help articles coming soon! |
How do I connect my classes to Google Classroom? |
Help articles coming soon! |
How do I connect my classes to Canvas? |
Help articles coming soon! |
Student Accounts
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💡For enrollment and login issues, we recommend visiting the following Help Articles: Troubleshooting Student Enrollment Issues |
Question | Answer |
My student is unable to log in. How can I help them? |
First, identify if the student's account exists on the LMS. The easiest way to check is to quickly search for the student in the enrollment box.
*Please note: Districts who purchase our Connect to Literacy English Language Development program may only choose to roster students who are coded in your SIS as EB, EL, or ELL. Attempts to add a student that does not follow your district's data-sharing permissions may be denied. |
My student is able to log in but cannot see any content under "My Courses". |
If your student sees the following after logging in, then your student has not been enrolled in your class(es). View How to Enroll Students and/or Support Teachers for additional instructions and information. |
Why doesn't my student appear in the enrollment box? |
Students may not appear in the enrollment box for a few different reasons:
View Adding Additional Students to Summit K12 or Contact Us for more information*.
I tried to manually add a student to the enrollment box, but they are enrolled in another school.
You may also Contact Us to transfer a student for you manually. |
I see non-EB, EL, or ELL students in the enrollment box. Does that mean I can enroll them in my Connect to Literacy course? |
Enrolling a student in a Summit K12 course will consume a license. We recommend teachers refrain from enrolling non-Emergent Bilingual students in their Connect to Literacy course to avoid potential overage charges. Contact the school or district's Bilingual Coordinator overseeing Connect to Literacy implementation for additional guidance. |
If I remove a student from a class and enroll them in a new one, what happens to their data? |
A student's data is tied to the account and not a class, so if a student is removed from class and enrolled in another of the same grade level (band), the data will move with them. If the student is enrolled in another grade level (band), their previous data will be archived and can be recovered once enrolled in the previous grade level.