Summit K12’s ELD Benchmark Assessments align closely with the WIDA ACCESS expectations, offering students an experience that mirrors the state exam testing environment. By mastering how to navigate our benchmarks, teachers and students can gain familiarity which can boost student confidence and enhance their chances of success in the state exam.
Standard Testing Procedure
Testing Considerations
Troubleshooting Tips
Standard Testing Procedure
Before administering a benchmark, it is helpful for students and teachers to understand how they work.
1. Benchmarks require students to listen to several prompts, which provide details and information needed to answer the questions. In each benchmark, these prompts are indicated by an i. These items have audio playback only. The audio playback for the i items begins immediately after navigating to the item.
For the i items, the Next page button will appear grayed out until the audio has finished playing. Once the audio has finished, the Next page button will become dark blue and become clickable.
2. For numbered questions, audio playback automatically starts and only stops once the audio has finished playing. The answer choices will remain bolded while the audio playback is playing. Once the audio has stopped, the Next button will become dark blue and become clickable.
After selecting Next, an additional audio playback will begin, and when it finishes playing the answer choices will be unbolded for the student to choose an answer. Once the student chooses an answer, they can select Next page.
3. For constructed responses, the student will view several i items, which provide essential information to help them create a response. Once the audio playback stops on each page, the student will select Next page to continue. Some i pages will have a grayed-out text box for the student to view as an example. The students will not be able to type in these boxes. The student will be able to create a constructed response once the audio playback has stopped on a numbered question then they can select Next page.
4. Students cannot return to a previous question once completed*, so it is important for them to answer to the best of their ability before selecting Next page.
*WIDA Accommodations can be selected to change the audio playback options. Visit Accommodations-WIDA to learn more.
Testing Considerations
1. If the student exits or navigates away from the benchmark before finishing it, the audio playback will not replay nor allow the student to select an answer to the question when they navigate back to the benchmark.
2. Speaking items take longer for students to complete because each question requires preparation, practice, and recording. Prior to testing, teachers are encouraged to model the recording process and allow ample time for students to complete the benchmark in one sitting.
Troubleshooting Tips
If a student cannot advance to the next question, cannot hear the audio playback, and/or is unable to click an answer choice during the benchmark, we suggest the student clears the cache on their web browser. If using an iPad, then have students delete and reinstall the Summit K12 iOS app on an iPad.
Clearing the cache (or reinstalling the app), will reset the audio playback for that specific question. The student should refresh their page and log back in, if needed. The audio will replay and allow the student to select an answer or continue on to the next question.
If you are still experiencing issues, please contact Summit K12 Support for guidance.
Tags: class_settings_wida, summitk12_courses, telpaslistening&group, course, telpas_reading_writing&group, student/accommodations_settings_wida.php?, student is stuck, test is not working, frozen