Summit K12 is introducing a new assignment feature to replace the previous locking/unlocking method. This new feature allows teachers to assign content to the entire class or specific individuals, and set start dates, due dates, and close dates. Content must be assigned to a student for them to access it! Students will find these assignments on their new, streamlined dashboards. This feature will be released in stages across the various Summit K12 programs.
General Instructions
Unassign/Reassign an Activity
Product-Specific Instructions
General Instructions
1. Select My Courses and navigate to the desired content in your Summit K12 class.
2. Select the corresponding Assign button. Depending on the content, you will either assign an individual activity or an entire row of activities.
3. Use the checkbox to select which student(s) the content will be assigned to. All students who do not currently have the content assigned in your class will be automatically selected. Only students enrolled in the selected class will appear.
4. Choose the Start Date & Time, Due Date & Time, and Close Date & Time for the content that will be assigned*. The Due Date must be set after the Start Date and, if applicable, before the Close Date.
Assigning a benchmark assessment? The Start and Close Date fields will automatically populate with the open and close dates of any testing windows set by your administration. If the Close Date is left blank, the benchmark assessment will automatically close once your district's testing window has passed.
Start Date & Time (required): The date and time the assignment becomes available for students to access. The assignment will not appear on students’ dashboards until the Start Date/Time.
Due Date & Time (optional): The date and time the assignment must be completed.
Close Date & Time (optional): The assignment will be removed from the students' dashboard at the selected date/time and becomes unavailable for students to access. This field will auto-populate with a Close Date for the end of the year unless chosen otherwise.
*Timestamps adhere to local computers.
5. Select Apply and Assign to selected student(s). When new students are enrolled in the class, the system will not auto-assign the content. Teachers must return to the content and assign Start, Due, and/or Close dates for the newly enrolled students.
6. The Assign icon will indicate whether the content has been assigned to none, some, or all students enrolled in the corresponding Summit K12 class.
The content is not assigned to any student. | |
The content is assigned to some students. | |
The content is assigned to all students. |
Unassign/Reassign an Activity
Teachers can unassign or reassign any assignments as long as students have not yet completed the activity. Assignments submitted by the student for scoring cannot be unassigned or reassigned. The names of those students will be unavailable for selection when following the instructions below. Unassigning or reassigning an activity will not reset the activity.
Teachers may unassign an incomplete activity to remove it from students' dashboards. Student progress will be saved.
1. Select the student's name and their Unassign icon .
2. Select Yes to confirm.
Teachers may reassign an incomplete activity to extend the dates for an assignment. Student progress will be saved.
1. Select the student's name.
2. Choose new Start, Due, and/or Close Dates before selecting Apply and Assign to selected student(s).
Product-Specific Instructions
For detailed instructions and information on assigning, please choose the relevant link for your program*:
*Articles may continue to include instructions for unlocking. Thank you for your patience as we work to update our Help Center to match the newly implemented features.
To assign a benchmark assessment for a specific program:
- C2L - TX ELD
- C2L - CA ELD
- C2L - National ELD
- Dynamic Science and Biology
- RLA Mastery - 3rd-8th Grade, English I, and English II
- HB 4545
To assign an activity for a specific program:
- C2L - TX ELD
- C2L - CA ELD
- C2L - National ELD (updated link coming soon)
- Science/Biology
- RLA Mastery