A testing window refers to a time period when an ELD Benchmark Assessment or RLA STAAR Practice Test may be administered to students. The testing window is an optional feature that can only be set by users with a District Administrator account on Summit K12. If utilized, the testing window would apply to all campuses within the same district on the Summit K12 LMS.
If your school purchased a subscription individually and is not included in a districtwide purchase, the School Administrator on Summit K12 can submit a support request to Summit K12 Support for assistance with editing the testing windows.
If your school needs an extension for a testing window and is included in a districtwide purchase, please contact your District Administrators. Only District Administrators can approve extensions and request Summit K12 Support to edit the window for a specific campus.
If only one District Administrator should have the ability to modify the testing window, contact Summit K12 Support for assistance with updating permissions.
Setting or Modifying the Testing Window - District Admins
Viewing the Testing Window - School Admins and Teachers
Setting Testing Windows vs. Not Setting Testing Windows
Setting or Modifying the Testing Window - District Admins
District Administrators have the authority to set or modify the testing windows for the Connect to Literacy - TELPAS, ELPAC, or National ELD and RLA Mastery programs. District Administrators can reach the testing window modification table by completing the following steps:
1. After logging in, select Home.
2. Select Program Management.
3. Select Set/Edit Testing Windows*.
For detailed instructions on how to manage testing windows, please refer to:
Set and Edit Testing Window Dates - Connect to Literacy
Set and Edit Testing Window Dates - RLA Mastery
*If you see View Testing Windows instead of Set/Edit Testing Windows, your account does not currently have the authority to modify the testing window. If you should have this ability, please reach out to Summit K12 Support.
Viewing the Testing Window - School Admins and Teachers
School Administrators and Teachers have access to view the established testing windows for the Connect to Literacy - TELPAS, ELPAC, or National ELD and RLA Mastery programs. For instructions on viewing your program’s testing window, refer to:
About Testing Windows
When a testing window is in effect, assessments become accessible at 12:01 am on the opening day and automatically close at 11:59 pm on the closing day.
Assessments do not unlock automatically; users (Lead Teachers, Support Teachers, and/or District/School Administrators) must unlock the ELD Benchmark Assessment or RLA STAAR Practice Test for each class on the day they plan to administer the assessment.
Attempts to unlock the assessment before the window opens will not be recognized.
Once the testing window closes, students can no longer submit an assessment. Students unable to submit the required assessment(s) due to a closed testing window will not have a learning plan generated for them.
If a testing window hasn't been established, teachers retain the ability to lock and unlock assessments as needed. For questions related to the testing window, contacting district or school administration is recommended.
Setting Testing Windows vs. Not Setting Testing Windows
Tags: summitk12_dashboard, testing_window, setting_testing_windows, viewing_testing_windows