Summit K12's research-based pretests, interim benchmarks, and summative assessments mimic the new R/LA STAAR and include 100% of the Revising and Editing TEKS in grades 3-8, English I and English II. Our Progress Monitoring Assessments and Personalized Learn Plans enable teachers and administrators to accurately monitor progress and make timely adjustments during the year.
Progress Monitoring Assessments & PLPs
Where do PLP activities come from?
How are PLP activities determined?
Progress Monitoring Assessments & PLPs
Summit K12's RLA Mastery program is a supplemental curriculum that is meant to be incorporated into your current teaching resources and practices. Below are loose guidelines for test administration and PLP implementation:
R/LA Pre-test: Administered as a Beginning-of-Year Benchmark on Summit K12
- This will generate PLP #1 for students to work on.
- Students can work on PLP #1 until the next test is administered.
R/LA Interims: Administered at the teacher's and/or district's discretion.
- The Interim Assessments are available for teachers to administer according to their district's yearly pacing guide.
- The Interim Assessments can be administered in any order.
- This will generate the corresponding PLPs for students to work on.
R/LA Summative: Administered before STAAR
- This will generate the final PLP for students to work on until they take their STAAR exam.
When a new PLP is generated, it will appear as a hyperlink next to the previous PLP.
What is a PLP?
A Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) is a pathway that is automatically generated for a student after completing a progress monitoring assessment.
The pathway will assign a list of activities based on the student's assessment performance. In Summit K12's RLA Mastery program, progress monitoring assessments are only available in the STAAR-tested grade-level courses and the PLPs are separated and differentiated by Reporting Category:
- RC1.1 - Reading Across Genres
- RC1.2 - Reading Literary Texts
- RC1.3 - Reading Non-Literary Tects
- RC2 - Revising & Editing
- RC2.1 - Revising
- RC2.1 - Editing
Where do PLP activities come from?
The PLP activities are pulled from the following 3 RLA Mastery course sections*:
TEKS Reading Skills and TEKS Writing Skills will appear in RC2.1 and RC2.2 of a student's PLP, while activities from Accelerated Literacy Skills will be distributed across the remaining reporting categories.
*Lesson model videos cannot be made optional on PLP assignments.
How are PLP activities determined?
Summit K12 creates an individualized PLP for each student. The PLP activities are assigned based on the student's assessment performance in each Reporting Category.
Students who perform at Did Not Meet or Approaches will see more scaffolded or supplemental activities than students who perform at Meets or Masters. At times, the same activity may be assigned if it's deemed as a skill that all students would benefit from within a particular Reporting Category.
How are PLPs organized?
PLPs are organized by Reporting Categories. Each Reporting Category on an assessment produces a separate pathway that is connected to create the entire PLP.
Summit K12 will organize these separate pathways for each student's PLP from most to least challenging based on the student's assessment performance. This guarantees that, as students begin to work on their PLP, they receive practice with the TEKS that need the most reinforcement first.
If students perform at a high level across all reporting categories, RC2.1-Revising and RC2.2-Editing will appear first on their PLPs because those are the newest components of the STAAR R/LA assessment.
How many PLPs are available?
A PLP will automatically be generated for each submitted assessment. The # of PLPs available will depend on the # of progress monitoring assessments the grade-level course offers.
How do PLPs Unlock?
Assignments on the PLP will unlock one at a time, from left to right, then top to bottom. The students will complete activities on their PLPs in the order they appear.
- The activity the student will need to work on will have a blue Start button
- If it's an activity the student has already opened, it will have a blue Resume button
- The student won't be able to open any activities that have a gray Start button
How do I view student PLPs?
To view student PLPs, teachers will navigate to their Class Report - RLA Mastery STAAR Benchmark Assessments and PLPs. There, the teachers will select a student's name, and the PLP will appear below the student's R/LA Benchmark Assessment scores.
- If it's an activity the student has already completed, it will have a checkmark
or score
- The student has not started any activities that have a blank cell
Activities outside of the PLP that are manually unlocked by the teacher will be registered as “completed” on the PLP if they were assigned and completed. Under these circumstances, students' PLPs can appear to have been completed “out of order”.
How long does a PLP last?
PLPs are meant to be self-paced. While there are many external factors that impact the amount of time each student needs to complete their pathways, each PLP could last 4-6 weeks. This is based on a weekly usage of 30-60 minutes. Increased usage is recommended when approaching STAAR testing dates.
Tags: teks_readingskill, al_writing, alld