Use Summit K12's Connect to Literacy ELPAC Readiness PLP program to support student growth in all four language domains. For more information regarding getting started with ELPAC Readiness, click here.
Where do PLP activities come from?
What is a PLP?
A Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) is a pathway that is automatically generated for a student (Grades 1-12 only) after completing the required ELD benchmark assessment(s). The pathway will assign a list of activities based on the student's performance that are pulled from all components of our ELPAC Readiness program.
- PLP #1 is generated from the Pre-test.
- PLP #2 is generated from the Interim.
- PLP #3 is generated from the Summative.
Both ELPAC Oral Language assessments (Listening & Speaking) must be taken before a PLP will be generated.
Example: Student A must take both Listening and Speaking Pre-Tests in order for PLP #1 to generate in Listening-Speaking.
- If Student A only takes the Listening Pre-test, PLP #1 will not generate.
A PLP will be generated in ELPAC Written Language once a student takes a Reading assessment and is not dependent on the completion of the Writing assessment.
- Example: Student A takes only the Reading Pre-Test and PLP #1 will generate in Reading-Writing.
- If Student A only takes the Writing Pre-Test, PLP #1 will not generate*.
- If Student A takes the Reading and Writing Pretests, PLP #1 will already be generated with the Reading test.
The PLPs do not have to be completed in sequential order! For example, a student does not have to take the Pre-test and complete PLP #1 in order to take the Interim and have PLP #2 generated for them.
*Writing assessments in our ELPAC readiness program are not auto-scored and should be rated by the teacher. For more information, please visit Scoring Student Writing Assessments - ELPAC, click here.
Where do PLP activities come from?
The PLP activities are pulled from the following ELPAC Readiness courses and sections.*
PLP #1 and #2 will see activities pulled from various Connect to Literacy courses and sections depending on students' assessment performance.
PLP #3 is the last plan students will work on right before they take the ELPAC assessment and will include ONLY Item Type questions for each domain. This gives students targeted practice with Item Types they will most likely see on ELPAC.
*Lesson model videos cannot be made optional on PLP assignments.
How do PLPs Unlock?
Assignments on the PLP will unlock one at a time, from left to right, then top to bottom. The students will complete activities on their PLPs in the order they appear.
The activity the student will need to work on will have a blue Start button
- If it's an activity the student has already opened, it will have a blue Resume button
- The student won't be able to open any activities that have a gray Start button
How do I view student PLPs?
To view student PLPs, teachers will navigate to their ELD Benchmark reports. There, the teachers will select a student's name, and the PLP will appear below the student's ELD Benchmark scores.
- The activities assigned to students will have a cell with a dash
- If it's an activity the student has already completed, it will have a checkmark
or score
- The student will not be able to open any activities that have a blank cell
. These activities were not assigned to the student due to their performance on the ELD benchmarks.
Activities outside of the PLP that are manually unlocked by the teacher will be registered as “completed” on the PLP if they were assigned and completed. Under these circumstances, students' PLPs can appear to have been completed “out of order”.
Recommended Usage
Our recommended time for students to work on our Connect to Literacy - TELPAS Readiness program is 25-30 per domain per week:
- 25-30 minutes per week for Listening
- 25-30 minutes per week for Speaking
- 25-30 minutes per week for Reading
- 25-30 minutes per week for Writing
We recognize that implementation is dependent on time limits within the classroom, so we recommend students have 6-8 weeks to work on their current PLP before taking the next assessment. To learn more about our recommendations, click here.
Additional information regarding ELPAC Readiness can be found in our Implementation Guides.
tags: telpaslistening&group telpaslistening telpas_reading_writing&group telpas_readiness_reading&p=telpas_reading_writing telpas_reading_report listening_speaking_progress