Summit K12's patented STAAR/EOC Review process includes an adaptive and differentiated Personalized Learning Plan directly related to student data on our STAAR/EOC Practice Tests.
Where do PLP activities come from?
How are PLP activities organized?
What makes the Science/Biology PLP adaptive?
STAAR/EOC Practice Test & PLP
Monitor student progress and mastery with our 5th and 8th-grade Science STAAR and Biology EOC Practice Tests! These are located in the STAAR/EOC Review portion of the course and become available for unlocking in Spring. The Practice Tests should be administered once all learning objectives for the instructional year have been covered. We would recommend that you unlock the Practice Test early enough to allow students enough time to take it and complete their PLPs before the STAAR/EOC assessment date.
What is a PLP?
A Personalized Learning Plan - or a PLP - is a pathway automatically generated for a student after completing the STAAR/EOC Practice Test. It will assign a list of activities based on the student's test performance. In Summit K12's Dynamic Sciences program, the Practice Test and corresponding PLP are only available in the STAAR-tested grade-level courses:
- Dynamic Science: 5th, 8th
- Dynamic Biology
Where do PLP activities come from?
The PLP activities are pulled from the Concept Booster section of the STAAR Review module:
The Concept Boosters have their own Vocabulary Review section that appears in students' learning plans.
The standalone Vocabulary Booster section in STAAR Review can be used for additional practice alongside the PLPs. The teacher will need to unlock activities in this section before students can access them.
How are PLP activities organized?
A Summit K12 analysis of the Science STAAR assessment data from the last 6 years looked at:
- weighted score by TEKS
- state average score by TEKS
- student score by TEKS
This analysis, combined with the student's test performance, determines the organization of a student's PLP. The TEKS lessons present themselves in order from most to least challenging for the student, with Readiness Standards appearing before Supporting Standards. This guarantees that, as students begin to work on their pathway, they review and receive practice with TEKS they need the most support with first. Learning standards that students have already shown competency in will appear toward the end of their PLP.
What makes the Dynamic Science/Biology PLP adaptive?
Each TEKS lesson on the PLP follows the same process and must be completed in sequential order.
After completing the Pre-test and watching the Concept Review video, students will complete the Vocabulary activity that stems from Concept Boosters. The Vocabulary activity in students' PLPs is meant to practice, not assess understanding. Students must make at least 80% in order to continue to the Post-test. If students do not meet the passing requirement, they will be prompted to Try Again. The vocabulary flashcards will shuffle themselves with each attempt, and students may retake the Vocabulary Booster as many times as needed.
Students must make at least 70% on the Post-Test to move on to the next lesson. If students do not, they will be prompted to Try Again.
If students do not meet the passing requirement on the 2nd attempt of the Post-test, a vertically-aligned prerequisite TEKS lesson will automatically populate on the PLP if available. Students must meet the same passing requirements to move on to the next grade-level TEKS in their PLP.
How do PLPs Unlock?
Assignments on the PLP will unlock one at a time, from left to right, then top to bottom. The students will complete activities on their PLPs in the order they appear.
- The activity the student will need to work on will have a blue Start button
- If it's an activity the student has already opened, it will have a blue Resume button
- The student won't be able to open any activities that have a gray Start button
How do I view student PLPs?
To view student PLPs, teachers will navigate to their Class Report - Science STAAR Review Reports. There, the teachers will select a student's name, and the PLP will appear below the student's STAAR/EOC Practice Test and Short Constructed Response scores.
- If it's an activity the student has already completed, it will have a checkmark
or score
- The student has not started any activities that have a blank cell
STAAR Review Concept and Vocabulary Booster activities outside of the PLP that are manually unlocked by the teacher will be registered as “completed” on the PLP if they were assigned and completed. Under these circumstances, students' PLPs can appear to have been completed “out of order”.
How long does the PLP last?
The Science and/or Biology PLPs are meant to be self-paced. While many external factors impact the amount of time each student needs to complete their pathway, the PLP could last 6-8 weeks based on the general usage of two 45-minute periods per week.