Welcome to Summit K12! Our Connect to Literacy TELPAS Readiness program is designed to enhance your student’s English proficiency, setting them up for success in the state TELPAS assessment. This guide is crafted to support you in guiding your student along this exciting path of learning.
Accessing Your Student’s Class
Summit K12 ELD Benchmark Assessments
Logging into Summit K12
There are four main ways your student can access Summit K12 depending on the district’s setup:
1. Clever & ClassLink SSO on a Laptop/Desktop
2. Website Login on a Laptop/Desktop
3. iPad
4. LMS Integration (Schoology, Canvas, or Google Classroom)
Not sure how your student logs in to Summit K12? Please contact your student’s teacher for additional guidance and login information if needed.
For more detailed steps on how to log in, please view Student Guide - Getting Started with Connect to Literacy - TELPAS.
Accessing Your Student’s Class
After successfully signing in, you should see the class(es) your student is enrolled in. If you see multiple TELPAS Readiness classes, make sure your student selects the correct teacher's class*.
*For your student’s TELPAS classes, all three courses (icons) may not appear depending on the subscription the district and/or school purchased.
Summit K12 ELD Benchmark Assessments (2nd-12th grade only)
Summit K12 offers ELD (English Language Development) benchmark assessments for students in 2nd-12th grade. Teachers can use these benchmarks to monitor your student’s progress.
Is your student in K-1st? Jump directly to the Student Assignments section of this article for guidance on how to access your student’s assignments.
Typically, students take these benchmarks with their teacher! If your student’s teacher has assigned a benchmark to be completed at home, they can easily find and take it by following the steps included in the linked articles below:
- Student Question - How do I find my TELPAS assessment?
- Student Question - How do I take my TELPAS assessment?
💡Tip: Use these same steps to find your student’s score on any completed benchmarks.
Once submitted, the benchmarks will generate a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) filled with activities to help the student practice their English language skills.
Benchmarks and activities related to Speaking will require the use of a microphone. Summit K12 recommends reviewing Student Guide - How to Record - TELPAS and Student Guide - How to Use the Microphone Test to make sure your student’s device is properly functioning.
Once a student has a PLP, they can continue working on their learning plan until your student’s teacher instructs otherwise
Student Assignments
Depending on the grade level, students can either work on their PLPs or work on assignments unlocked by the teacher.
K-1 students should look for unlocked activities in their class.
2nd-12th students will either have unlocked activities or PLPs to work on.
If you have any questions, please contact your student’s teacher for guidance on which activities are to be completed.
tags: parent, guardian, guide, using, connect to literacy, TELPAS, ELD benchmarks, activities