Teachers with a STAAR-tested Dynamic Science/Spanish Science course (5th/8th) or Dynamic Biology course have a supplemental STAAR/EOC Review section. This section unlocks in Spring in preparation for the STAAR/EOC test. Teachers can find a full-length practice test to administer which will generate a Personalized Learning Plan (PLP) for students to work on. Teachers and students can expect to see new question types embedded in Summit K12’s Practice Test, including short-constructed responses (SCR).
The Practice Test and PLP Progress report can be utilized by teachers to:
- Review practice test scores and PLD (Performance Level Descriptors) level
- Determine performance by Reporting Category (RC)
- Score student’s short-constructed responses (SCR)
- Monitor PLP completion
Navigate to an article section below to learn more:
Understanding the Practice Test and PLP Progress Report
Monitoring Students’ Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)
Review Tests, Score SCRs, and View Individual PLPs
Understanding the Practice Test and PLP Progress Report
1. Initial Score: Represents the score of all items except the SCRs which must be scored by the teacher.
2. SCR: Indicates how many SCRs have not been scored. If all SCRs are scored, then this column will show the average score.
3. Total Score: Represents the score of all items including scored SCRs. If all SCRs are not yet scored, then this will mirror the value in the Initial Score.
4. Performance Level: Based on the Total score when all SCRs are scored. Otherwise, the level is based on the Initial Score if the SCRs are left unscored. PLD will reflect the most recent cut scores released by TEA.
5. Score Breakdown by Category: The score under each RC will represent all scored items including scored SCRs.
If a score on the report is followed by an asterisk (*), this indicates the score is not final and will be updated once the SCRs have been scored.
Monitoring Students’ Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs)
A student’s PLP will be generated immediately after they submit their practice test for scoring. Activities assigned in the PLP are based on the performance level of the Total Score*. Once the SCRs have been scored, the PLP may update to include new activities if applicable.
If a student has completed activities in the STAAR/EOC Review Concept Boosters section before completing the Practice Test, those activities will appear as completed on the resulting PLP.
1. PLP Progress: The progress bar indicates what % of the PLP has been completed
2. PLP Award: 100% completion of the PLP will result in the appearance of the Award button to download a PDF of the achievement award
*Total Score will mirror the value in Initial Score until the SCRs are scored by the teacher.
Review Tests, Score SCRs, and View Individual PLPs
Use the Practice Test and PLP Progress report to review students’ practice tests, score short-constructed responses, or view a student’s individual PLP.
Selecting a student’s Total Score will open their STAAR/EOC Practice Test to view how they answered each item.
Selecting the value under SCR will direct teachers to students’ short-constructed responses where they can be scored and/or reviewed. View Scoring Constructed Responses in Practice Tests - Dynamic Sciences for more information.
Coming Soon: Selecting a student's name or their PLP Progress bar will direct teachers to a view-only mode of that student’s “My PLP” page to view their generated learning plan.
tags: staar_practice_test_and_plp_progress, staarpractice