Summit K12’s RLA Mastery assessments for STAAR-tested grade levels include the new RLA question types released by TEA. Constructed response question items must be manually scored by the teacher using the embedded rubrics.
This guide will show you how to locate and score students' constructed responses in RLA progress monitoring assessments.
1. Select My Courses.
2. Navigate to the desired class and select Reports, this will open up your Teacher Reports Dashboard.
3. Select Benchmarks & Progress Summary under the R/LA Progress column.
4. You will automatically be directed to the Benchmarks & Progress Summary Report which presents students' scores for submitted assessments, constructed responses (CR), and PLP progress.
Use the CR column to determine if students have unscored constructed responses*.
Click on the name of a student to pull up their individual report and access their assessment.
5. On the student’s individual report, click the fraction under the CR column, which will immediately direct you to the student’s constructed responses.
Use the Student dropdown menu to toggle between different students’ reports.
6. View the student's Constructed Response and Summit K12's Exemplar Response. Click on the green Score : Pending bar to view the built-in rubric.
7. Using the provided rubric, select a score for each available section*. Click Save when you are done.
*Summit K12's rubrics for the RLA Constructed Response items follow the scoring guidelines released by TEA. Depending on the question type, some rubrics may cover additional areas of skill. Please view their website to learn more.
8. Follow the same process to score the rest of the questions and select Finish at the bottom of the page.
9. You will be redirected to the student's individual report where the Assess, CR, and PLD columns should have updated accordingly to reflect your saved changes. Use the Student dropdown menu to toggle between different student’s reports when scoring.
Before scoring the constructed responses
After scoring the constructed responses
tags: staar_rla_report.php, staar_rla&cr=