Lead Teachers and enrolled Support Teachers can pull reports for each of their TELPAS classes to view benchmark data. These reports (available for 2nd-12th grades) are the quickest method for teachers to find their students' scores and identify which students have not submitted a benchmark. These reports typically update 5-10 minutes after student submission*.
Understanding the ELD Benchmark Reports
View Student Work on ELD Benchmarks
*If a student's score takes longer than 24 hours to appear after submission, submit a support request for additional assistance.
View Reports
Navigate to your TELPAS Readiness class and select Reports. This will open up your TEACHER REPORTS DASHBOARD.
Listening-Speaking Progress will show scores and PLP progress for the Listening-Speaking benchmarks. Reading-Writing Progress will show scores and PLP progress for the Reading-Writing benchmarks.
Understanding the ELD Benchmark Reports
A separate score will be given for each progress monitoring assessment*. To interpret the scores, please navigate to this article.
Teachers can scroll up or down within the table to view the rest of their students' scores. Scroll to the right of the table to view scores for the Summative benchmark. Teachers may also select Download near the bottom-left of the table to download an editable .xlsx document to their computer.
Use the KEY to understand the different sections listed under PLP Progress.
*Assessments for each language domain are auto-scored except for Writing. Since these assessments contain Constructed Responses, teachers will need to score their students' writing before a Writing score will appear. Please view Scoring Constructed Responses in Assessments - TELPAS for more information.
Listening-Speaking Progress (example)
Reading-Writing Progress (example)
= student has started working on that section of the PLP but has not completed it
= student has completed all assignments in that section of the PLP
empty cell = student has not started working on assignments in that section of the PLP
skipped-over cell = student was not assigned anything from that section due to test performance
View Student Work on ELD Benchmarks
Clicking a student's name will direct you to the student's individual benchmark and Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs). On this page, teachers can click on the student's score for a particular benchmark to view the selected responses for each question. Navigate to other students enrolled in the course using the Student dropdown menu.