This article contains the following: 1. Overview |
A student is recording themself speaking and the device is not picking up the student's voice, the audio file is taking too long to load, or during the playback, the student is experiencing low recording quality or does not hear any sound.
Audio recording quality can be caused by several different issues including, but not limited to -
- microphone quality
- headset quality
- Internet speed
- background noise
- how the student speaks into the microphone
General user error may also explain recording issues. View the product-specific article below for more information:
Student Guide - How to Record - TELPAS
Student Guide - How to Record - ELPAC
Student Guide - How to Record - National ELD (updated link to come)
Internet Connection
If the student is experiencing slow internet speeds during the audio file upload process, it can lead to distorted recordings or errors in an audio file upload. To assist with network congestion, we recommend limiting bandwidth usage by:
1. Closing any unnecessary windows, tabs, or applications on the device.
2. Accessing the Summit K12 LMS during a period of low internet usage.
Compatible Device
1. Please ensure the student is using a compatible device. Summit K12's system requirements can be found here.
2. Update the student's Operating System (OS) and update the student's browser to the newest version available. Contact your campus technician or your district's IT/Tech dept for additional assistance if needed.
3. Ensure the device has a working, built-in microphone that is enabled. If you cannot find Microphone settings on the device, this likely indicates it does not have a built-in microphone.
4. If the student's device does not have a working, built-in microphone, they will need to use headphones with a working, built-in microphone.
5. If using headphones, check that it has been selected as the default instrument on your device for speaking or recording. Below is an example of the System Sound Settings on a Windows OS.
Hardware Quality
1. Ensure the headphone jack, the headphone port, or the built-in mic on the device itself has not been tampered with. Defects with either of these due to normal wear and tear or mishandling of the hardware can cause audio issues.
2. Test the student's microphone using the Microphone Test on Summit K12.
3. Additionally, search for "test microphone" using your preferred search engine. This will yield free websites that can be used to assess the microphone's functionality.
If audio problems continue, consider using a different device or a different pair of headphones.
Enable the Microphone
If the student is using a compatible device with a functioning built-in microphone, check if the microphone has been enabled on the internet browser or iPad.
Internet Browser
1. These are the 3 most common internet browsers used to access Summit K12's LMS. Click a link below to take you to the manufacturer's website for additional support:
- Enabling Microphone on Google Chrome
- Enabling Microphone on MacOS
- Enabling Microphone on Microsoft Edge
NOTE - These settings may default back to their original setting if students use shared devices.
1. Follow Apple's Help Article for instructions on enabling the iPad's microphone for the Summit K12 iOS application.
Recording Environment
1. If the student is recording in a group setting, we recommend students use headphones with built-in microphones.
2. Ensure the student is speaking clearly and loudly, directly into the microphone.
3. Students recording in a group setting should be spaced out enough with privacy folders or room dividers if needed to limit the background noise picked up by the recording device.
4. Distracting background noise coupled with a soft-spoken voice will make it difficult for the AI to decipher and recognize words.
Change Audio Quality on Summit K12
Modify the digital recording quality within the Connect to Literacy ELD course.
1. Log in and navigate to My Courses.
2. Select Manage > Edit Class. Teachers can also select edit next to their name in parentheses.
3. Change the Audio Quality.
NORMAL will have a smaller compressed file size. HIGH will cause the audio file to increase in size and can take longer for the file to upload to the Summit K12 server after each recording (upload time will vary by internet speed/connection).
If students have issues uploading their audio files, we recommend setting the Audio Quality to NORMAL. If uploading issues continue, we recommend contacting a campus technician or your district's tech support for additional assistance if needed.
4. Select Save changes.
tags: audio not detected, won't record, can't record, recording problems, mic not recording, speaking