There are different benchmark assessments for you to take on Summit K12 in your ELPAC Readiness class. For 1st-12th grade students, every time you take a benchmark assessment, a learning plan is created for you. This plan is called your PLP.
To learn how to find your benchmark assessments, click here.
Below you will find tips on how to take your benchmark assessment successfully, but please let your teacher know if you have any questions or problems.
Before the Assessment |
🎙️Always test your microphone to check that it is working when doing Speaking assessments. For steps on how to test your microphone, click here. |
During the Assessment |
❓ If you are stuck on a question and cannot move forward or a picture or video is not loading, you might need to clear the cache on your browser. For steps on how to do this, click here. 🙋🏽If you still have issues, please let your teacher know. 🛑If you need to stop the assessment before you are finished, you can. When you come back to the assessment, you will click Resume to start where you left off.
Answer all of the questions the best you can and after completing the last question, click Finish Attempt.
Look over your answers. Does it say "Answer saved" for each question?
You will see a final Confirmation window pop up. Take a moment to read the sentences.
Once you submit your answers, you cannot go back and make any other changes.
You will now be able to see your graded assessment. You can look over your answers and see which questions had correct or incorrect answers. Click Finish review at the bottom of the page to exit. |
After the Assessment |
💻 For 1st-12th grade students, your PLP is now ready! Start working on your PLP until your teacher tells you to stop or until you take another assessment and another PLP is created for you. Can’t find your PLP? Go to Access Your PLPs in our Student Guide - Getting Started with Connect to Literacy - ELPAC article for steps on how to find it. |
tags: summitk12/summitk12_courses.php telpaslistening&group course/view.php?id=2&p=telpaslistening&group telpas_reading_writing&grouptelpas_group=telpas_readiness_reading&p=telpas_reading_writing&group progress_monitor&return, help.