The RLA Mastery course for all STAAR-tested grade levels has several benchmark assessments.
While the type of assessments available will vary by grade level, all data for these assessments can be accessed by selecting Reports, followed by Benchmarks & Progress Summary on the Teacher Reports Dashboard.
This page automatically shows you the Benchmarks & Progress Summary. It presents students' scores for submitted assessments, constructed responses (CR), and PLP progress. Scroll right or down within the table to find the remaining data.
Understanding PLP Progress = student has started working on that section of the PLP but has not completed it
= student has completed all assignments in that section of the PLP
empty cell = student has not started working on assignments in that section of the PLP
skipped-over cell = student was not assigned anything from that section due to test performance
View Student Responses on Assessments
Click on a student's name followed by their score to view the student's assessment responses.
View Student Responses on PLP Activities
Scroll below the assessments to find all the student's Personalized Learning Plans (PLPs).
In a student's PLP, the teacher can click on any completed assignment containing a hyperlink to view the student's responses. If an activity has a checkmark or non-hyperlinked score, this indicates the activity was for practice and monitored for completion. Hyperlinked activities contain an actual assessment that teachers can use for data analysis.